Egg Light
The Egg Light is a hybrid type shape that synthesizes elements of the Russ Short and Speed Egg, as well as incorporating the Bonzer Light Vehicle bottom contour. Developed by Jacob while on Oahu, this shape is its own unique ride with a deceptively broad performance range. The beaked and rounder nose provide excellent paddle and easy planing, while the wide point forward draws the tail into a tighter swallow which fits well in the pocket, with great bite off the bottom and in the hook. The elusive one bonzer quiver could be here. Primarily the Egg Light uses the 3 fin setup, but 5 fins can work as well (though without the LV bottom).
Recommended size
6’ x 19 1/4″ x 2 3/8″
7’4″ x 21 1/4″ x 3 1/8″